Thursday, October 30, 2014

Amnesia lah sangat.

4.15am dan masih belum tidur. Padahal esok ada kelas + ADA TEST. ya Allahhhh hahahah.


Saya ada sebab kukuh utk tidak tidur sekarang:

1. memandangkan quota internet iol ni 5GB peak dan 15GB off peak, dan sekarang ialah waktu off peak (get it? 15GB? off peak?), so here I am, downloading the latest episode of The Blacklist Season 2 (currently Episode 6). 165MB jak pun, and yet it took around an hour T.T

2. well actually, come to think of it, actually aku abis buat kerja lab Fluid pada jam 2 and kena send gambar d grup ws lagi, which took FOREVER to upload (I'm using MAXIS BROADBAND. Kadang2 laju baq ang, kadang2 selo nak mampuih. lol). One thing lead to another and here I am, blogging about it.

Well tidak la kukuh sangat, but I have my point. Tbh I am excited to see how will my body adapt to this sebab this is my first time abusing my body to this extent. Dengan jadual yang agak longgar considering LAB FLUID SUDAH HABIS (YAY) so ada gap 3 jam. Will I sleep during the gap? Hmmm hahahha

Asalnya mau blogging ni every Saturday, siap mau buat title "Saturday is Blog Day" gitew. Namun apakan daya. Peluang sebegini susah mau dapat kan. Internet laju, sunyi sepi, di awal pagi. So yeah. Just a quick post to ensure my blogging spirit did not fade out. Hehehehe

Looks like the download has finished. Yayers.
Jaljayeo yorobun. *insert smiling widely emoticon here*

P/S Mind my rojak language. Malas mau edit. Paham2 sendiri ya. Hahahahaha

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Entah kenapa terfikir mau buat blog. All of a sudden. Hahaha so yeah.


Unlike my other attempts to make a blog yang memang failed miserably, yang ini memang aku berazam mw kekalkan. Peduli la followers xda HAHAHA. Since blog ni memang terbuat out of the blue so memang xda idea. Ni pun currently tgh buat calculation lab experiment 4 Fluid Mechanics T.T.

Kalau blh once a week kena post. Consistency baby. Kalau awal2 hype like crazy last2 habis cenggitu sahaja apa guna kan? So...

Will post again soon, Insha Allah. Doakan iol supaya dapat post d blog ni secara konsisten ya. AMIN.