Sunday, November 30, 2014

Kosong #2

Hello. Buat kesekian kalinya aku tiada idea mw post apa. So here goes my rant.

Minggu ni okay, cuma minggu depan test + english presentation + Pengajian Malaysia punya assignment + banyak lagi assignment yang aku malas mau taip.
Sekarang ni pun sedang men download video untuk assignment CPP... NOT. sekarang tengah download TBBT S8 E9&10 muehehehhe after that baru download video yang sepatutnya di download lol.

Sekarang aku macam jadi ketagih untuk mendownload TV shows. Ya la kan sekarang xda Astro suda, so apa yg kau harapkan ekceli?

Currently dalam collection ialah The Blacklist Season 2 sampai E8 sebab Fall Finale. ugh frustrating sebab kena tunggu sampai bulan 2 tahun depan baru ada episod baru. Ughhhh

Lagi satu ialah The Big Bang Theory dari Season 1 sampai Season 8 yang masih ongoing yang aku simpan di hard disk.
WhichI remember..


Begini ceritanya.
Masa tu aku pasang la S6E18. Siuk2 main tu aku adjust la position laptop tu sebab silau. Adjust punya adjust (mungkin terhentak sikit idk) trus video tu stuck. Next thing I know, ndak dapat pasang suda.

Aku plug out,
plug in balik
Ndak dapat.

Cuba lagi sekali.
Dan lagi.
Try d laptop hausmet.
Guna kabel hard disk lain.


Rehat jap, tarik nafas, trus baring dan search pasal external hard disk punya troubleshooting.
Search punya search, I can conclude that,

Worst case scenario:
Mungkin circuit dalam tu hard disk rosak, trus ndak boleh guna suda.


I don't want that to happen. Mesti kena cari warranty benda tu. Kalau xdapat, mesti repair. Banyak benda penting dalam tu oh gosh oh goshhhh.
Sayang gila benda tu. Sudah la beli masa d PC Fair d 1B, penat aku pusing banding harga mana yang murah. Siap bagi freebies lagi. Sayang tau. Huuuksszzzz

So yeah. Harap dapat la repair hard disk tu.

That's all for me. Hope you enjoy my rant (which I'm sure you're not. Don't lie. I know. :p).

See you soon.

P/S I love how consistent I am in posting on weekends. Boleh jak aku post masa weekdays, cuma idea tu memang tiada, dan kuota tidak mengizinkan. Huehuehue nangez ked

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Promot ciked

Tbh ai dono what to blog this week. Biasa2 sedja this week. Nothing much.

But harini iol mau promote blog org. Ntah tiba2 pulak terasa mw promote. Hikssss

Ni blog kawan aku. Nama dia Sylvia Jeen Jimdih. Dia ni kawan aku while I was at MRSM KK. 1 homeroom lagi (Budiman ftw).

Dia baru blog 2 benda. Tapi aku suka sebab dia ada spesifikkan apa yg dia mau post. Siap buat kategori lagi based on posts:

1. Weekly Blog. Macam apa yg aku buat jugak. Tiap sabtu update. Tapi kalau teringin, dia akan buat Special Entry.

2. Dedication To Someone. Tgk tajuk pun tau suda. Muehehehee

3. Word of The Week. Dia akan post 1 perkataan tiap Rabu. General knowledge gitew.

4. Monthly Wishes. Tiap 1hb dia akan post dia punya wish utk bulan tu. Kalau macam masa tu perayaan she'll post under Festive Greetings.

Baca post dia trus ai jelly. Huehuehe aku pun perlu plan benda mcm tu utk organize blog ni. Considering yg aku buat blog ni out of the blue, so perancangan memang zero. Nil. Empty. Kosong. So yeah.

Anyways, support her. Do visit her blog. And mine too. Heheheh that's all for now. I'll write more soon. See y'all. :-*


P/S if ur reading this, sorry Syl. tiba2 aku mw blog pasal ni. Mueheheehhe

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Movie Review?

This is my first post in English, so bear with me.
I really intend to do this bcs I want to. Hell yeah. It's my frickin blog. I can do whatever I want.

I watched two movies this week, which are INTERSTELLAR and BIG HERO 6. I don't watch movies that frequently but idk what's happening to me. Hahaha okay back to topic.

I wanted to make a review about both of these movies but I'm too drowsy as I just went back from watching the second movie (yes, fresh from the oven baybayyyy), but I'll give a quick review for both. Read with care. May contain spoilers.

About a man who tries to save the world by going to another galaxy to find a new home for a dying Earth.
This has to be one of my fav movies of all time. It's that good. Worth my 2h 45mins. Yes, it's that long.

About a kid whose brother perished in a fire (oops) and set to have revenge on the killer with the help of his brother's friends and Baymax.
Disney did it again. I just love everything about the movie, even the city name. San Fransokyo (a city which integrates San Fransisco and Tokyo, hence the name). Aaand Baymax is sooo adorabe. His character really is one of the key success of this movie, apart from all the technology shown in the movie.

Oh kayy so that's all for this week. I hope I can post frequently. Shoutout to Maxis for my broadband speed that enables me to blog this. Heww

P/S kalau mood aku mw post lagi dalam bahasa Inggeris aku akan buat. Be prepared fellaz. Hewhew
PP/S assignment berlambak. Nangez ked

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Hello and good morning.

Selepas berhempas pulas dengan deretan test yang agak mendera jiwa, akhirnya dapat relax sebentar, tapi with a heavy price. Dengan mini project CPP, assignment AC, lab reports, interview, english seminar preparation, kajian lapangan Pengajian Malaysia, haihh. Tugasan datang seperti waterfall, tak henti2. Hahhaha

But back to my title, I am here to talk about that one creature yg mengannoyingkan aku sejak duduk di rumah sewa ni, which is SEMUT,

Yes, semut. Annoying sungguh aku apabila jumpa semut crawling innocently di lantai. Kalau baring, mesti ada semut merayap di belakang leher.
Bukan mau bash ka apa, tapi itulah. Saya cuma annoyed. Annoyed sampai satu tahap, asal jumpa sikit, mesti tonyoh atau apa2 lah asal semut tu mati.

Ya saya jahat. Tapi entah la. Mungkin salah aku jugak yg x careful about the cleanliness of the place. Mungkin semut tu dihantar utk menyedarkan aku tentang kepentingan menjaga kebersihan.

Satu yg aku suka pasal semut ni, dem ols sungguh tabah.
Once aku jumpa sekumpulan semut berkumpul di bawah extension socket yang diletak di lantai. Yes, aku pun terkejut jumpa benda tu di sana. I mean, really? Apa yang ada di bawah soket tu? Manis sangat ka rasa elekrik? Lol. Anyway, nampak jak benda tu terus aku ambil kain lap, basahkan dengan air paip sikit, dan aku lap di lantai yang ada semut tu. Damn. All hell breaks loose. Berkeliaran semut2 tu like crazy. Aku pun apa lagi, dengan penuh aggressive menyerang semut tu dengan kain lap tu. Serang punya serang, last2 happy ending.

But not for long.
Datang lagi semut tu. Aku serang as usual, and lepas bersih I make sure aku lap tempat tu bersih2.
Alhamdulillah, the crowd dispersed and no more harm was made by me.

Little did I know, the ants planned a counterattack. Boy how I was dumbfounded.

Satu hari yg hening, pasca serangan aku tu, aku decide utk kemas area aku. Kemas punya kemas then nampak satu peket kuih yang sepatutnya dibagi kepada kawan aku. Aku angkat and BOOM! There they are, merayap dalam plastik kuih tu macam dalam ice skate park, or a playground, or whatever.
Punah hati ni tgk. Last2 pegi jemur dekat tingkap. Another batch of ants killed by me hmp.

So my point is, cleanliness is essential. Jagalah kebersihan. Cewah. Yes this is true. Sapu/kasi bersih sisa makanan yg tertinggal di lantai. Keep sweet stuff at the table. Secure it tightly supaya x dapat semut2 tu masuk lols

So yeah, that's pretty much sums it up for me this week. Laters huns.
Mua ciked :-*

P/S The Blacklist 2 Fall Finale is airing next week. Nooooooooooooooooooo